The NIJ Ballistic Shield Rating
Enforcement agencies often place ballistic shields, also known as bunker shields or ballistic blankets, in strategic locations when armed conflict threatens. Ballistic shields are constructed to deflect dangerous projectiles such as gunshots. Personal shields (if carried by hand) and mobile personnel shields (if they come with wheels) are used by SWAT, special operations, and emergency response teams worldwide to neutralize threats quickly.
Ballistic shields have undergone significant changes in recent years to improve their efficacy in various contexts. In contrast to riot shields, which are typically transparent, ballistic shields are typically black on the outside, have a rectangular shape, and may feature a viewing port. Over the past two decades, various new types of ballistic shields have been developed thanks to technological advancements. Because call volume, threat levels, and other factors can vary greatly from one city or region to another and even from country to country, each agency needs to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each shield option.
The NIJ classifies different types of ballistic protection into several categories.
- Level II protection is adequate against most handgun ammunition, including 9mm. 40 S&W,.357.45 ACP, and.40 cal.
- Level IIIA will stop all pistol ammunition up to.44 magnum, 9mm submachine gun rounds, and 12-gauge shotgun slugs. This armor can be either soft or rigid.
- Rifle protection is rated for Level III hard armor. Level III protection is made to withstand projectiles with a muzzle velocity of 2,780 feet per second and a projectile weight of 147 grains, such as those used in the 7.62 mm FMJ (US military M80) round.
- Level IV body armor neutralizes threats from armor-piercing rifles.
Each division must decide how much priority to give to security against flexibility. Soft armor is more flexible, cheaper, and less cumbersome to use. Soft ballistic shields are more practical for mobile shooting because of their portability and comfort, but they typically provide less safety. Hard ballistic shields are better for defense. However, you’ll have to pay more and deal with the inconvenience of a more cumbersome shield that limits your movement.
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