NIJ Levels for Ballistic Shield
All ballistic shields are not the same. While some are powerful enough to stop a speeding rifle bullet, some are only powerful enough to stop a handgun round. This why you need to know the level of ballistic protection that your ballistic shield offers before you go all out to a gunfight.
To know how much ballistic protection a shield offers, you need to know what its bulletproof rating level is. And to do this, you must know if it has been tested by the National Institute of Justice, also known as the NIJ. As a branch of the United States government, the NIJ has the sole responsibility for all that has to do with research within the United States Department of Justice.
They are also vested with the responsibility to test ballistic rated products, to verify how much ballistic protection they can offer. The NIJ test ratings is grouped into Level I to IV. To know whether a ballistic shield has been tested and verified by the NIJ, look out for the NIJ initials on the shield. Once you can find the sign, you can be satisfied that the device is up to the US national ballistic rating standards.
Ballistic shields that are rated Level I, II and IIA are not highly effective in the face of multiple calibers of ballistic threat. If you want a ballistic shield that would be powerful enough to stop average handgun rounds, you should go for the Level Type IIIA and above.
Level IIIA and Level III can stop the most common handgun rounds. However, if you are likely to be faced with rifle threats, armor piercing bullets and other large projectiles, the best option is to go for a Level Type IV ballistic shield.
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