Why people still die while wearing plate carriers
Yeah, people still die even after wearing plate carriers! But, why is it so? Aren’t plate carriers suppose to offer fail-safe protections against ballistic threats? Sure, they ought to. However, there are certain factors that can lead to a failure in the ability of plate carriers to offer 100% protection against bullet attacks.

Here are some of them:
- Wrong Plate Carrier placement
There are specific parts of the body that plate carriers are meant to protect. The torso – which includes integral body parts such as the heart, lungs, kidney, rib cage, and entire chest region – is meant to be protected when a plate carrier is properly worn. Unfortunately, if the plate carrier is not worn properly, it would not be able to protect these highly-volatile body organs. So, when bullet rounds hit these parts, one might die despite having a plate carrier on.
- Some bullets are just deadly

Honestly, we cannot overlook the deadly potential of some kinds of handgun calibers. There are certain kinds of bullets, small and large, that can pierce some armor. In fact, any bullet that can travel at an extremely high rate of speed might get through your plate carrier. Unlike huge handgun rounds such as .44 Magnum and .45 ACP which travel at slower speeds, rounds from .357 SIG and 9mm guns travel at a quicker speed and can’t be easily stopped.
In addition, the shells of a shotgun are very dangerous to plate carriers. For one, most plate carriers are not rated for these kinds of bullets because shot shells do not have a consistent velocity.
- Using Overdue Plate Carriers
Plate carriers have a lifespan after which it becomes unwise to continue making use of it. Most plate carriers have a standard National Institute of Justice five-year service rating. However, it is a no brainer that plate carriers that are worn almost every single day would lose its protective capability quicker than one that just sits on a shelf.
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