How expensive is a complete military kit up?
How much does it really cost to kit up those who defend us? Let’s take the U.S. military for instance. There are just so many troop members that you would almost think that it would cost a few hundreds to kit up one soldier. Think again!
Soldiers are often kitted from head to toe with their uniform, tactical helmets, bulletproof vests, and fire arm. Averagely, here’s a figure on kits and day to day needs:
Let say the tactical helmets goes for around $320, the uniform $65, body armor at $1,650, as well as a nuclear, biological, and chemical gear at $350. Don’t forget the walkie-talkie at $570, tactical boots at $105, M-16 rifle at $600, and a fully equipped rucksack at $1,020. The total retail value is $4,680.
We admit, our figure might be slightly flawed in some areas, but this presents a knowledge of the kind of amount it takes to get a soldier kitted up from tactical helmet to boot. According to Daniel Goure of the Lexington Institute,
“The least important part really of the cost of a soldier, sailor, airman or woman is the equipment, helmets, boots, even airplanes and tanks and things like that.”
He further stated that,
“The real costs are the personnel costs, we’re talking about training, we’re talking about housing, we’re talking about dependent care for families, daycare for children, we’re talking about health care, which is a huge issue.”
This is huge, considering the fact that there are tens of thousands of soldiers out there in the U.S. military. However, defending one’s nation is a noble path that one must duly acknowledged for deciding to take. Men and women in the military do not only deserve state-of-the-art firearm, they also deserve the best protective tactical helmets, plate carrier or body armor vests, in other to increase their chances of coming back alive.
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